Poem without words
Why Book Bhupa Greens?
Largest Pillarless AC Marriage Hall in Darbhanga
We have 4200 SQFT centrally air-conditioned indoor space, 14-feet high ceiling with indoor sitting capacity of up to 500 guests.
We have Outdoor Lawn + Best Hall in Darbhanga
A sprawling 21000 SQFT lawn in the front and 3000 SQFT space in backyard makes it the largest among the best banquet halls in Darbhanga.
High Ceiling
Unlike almost all the marriage halls in Darbhanga, where ceiling of the hall is kept very low, our ceiling height is 14 feet. This gives you feeling of spaciousness.
Airconditioned Rooms & Dormitory
We offer 5 airconditioned rooms and 1 large airconditioned dormitory to accomodate your guests during the wedding.
No worries about parking
Parking is not an issue with us. Our venue has a dedicated parking space for our guests.